2011 Adele 21


EUROPE: 10 x Platinum = 10000k - Sales & Certifications collected = 11087k
ARGENTINA: 160k (4 x Platinum = 160k)AUSTRIA: 20k (Platinum = 20k)
AUSTRALIA: 1190k (17 x Platinum = 1190k)BELGIUM: 180k (6 x Platinum = 180k)
BRAZIL: 480k (3 x Diamond = 480k - Codes collected = 391.5k*)DENMARK: 160k (8 x Platinum = 160k)
CANADA: 1600k (2 x Diamond = 1600k)FINLAND: 83k (2 x Platinum = 60k - Sales = 83k)
CHILE: 45k (2 x Platinum = 20k - Sales = 45k)FRANCE: 1810k (Certification ? - Estimated Sales = 1810k)
CHINA: 40k (2 x Platinum = 40k)GERMANY: 1600k (8 x Platinum = 1600k)
JAPAN: 237k (Gold = 100k - Sales = 237k)GREECE: 6k (Platinum = 6k)
MEXICO: 450k (Diamond + 2 x Platinum + Gold = 450k)HUNGARY: 6k (Platinum = 6k)
NEW ZEALAND: 195k (13 x Platinum = 195k)IRELAND: 270k (18 x Platinum = 270k)
SOUTH AFRICA: 250k (6 x Platinum = 250k)ITALY: 480k (8 x Platinum = 480k)
TAIWAN: 12k (Sales = 12k)NORWAY: 30k (Platinum = 30k)
USA: 14000k (14 x Platinum = 1400k - Estimated Sales December 2017 = 11892k)
VENEZUELA: 10k (Platinum = 10k)
POLAND: 200k (2 x Diamond = 200k)

PORTUGAL: 40k (2 x Platinum = 40k)
ROMANIA: 29k (Sales = 29k)

RUSSIA: 10k (Platinum = 10k)

SPAIN: 212k (5 x Platinum = 200k - Sales = 212k)
SWEDEN: 120k (3 x Platinum = 120k)
THE NETHERLANDS: 450k (9 x Platinum = 450k)
UNITED KINGDOM: 5171k (17 x Platinum = 5100k - SPS December 2019 = 5171k


AA5000 // AB5000 // AC2000 // AD3000 // AE10000 // AF5000 // AG10000 // AH10000 // AI30000 // AJ10000 // AK10000 // AL20000 // AM20000 // AN50000 // AO30000 // AP30000 // AQ30000 // AR30000 // AS50000 // AT25000 // AU5000 //AV500

Total sales & certifications collected: 29756k.

When all sales & certifications are updated, together with the missing countries, total sales for this album are between 

28000k and 30000k.

Other Adele albums:

Contact me in case you have some additional information or comments.
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1 opmerking:

  1. the album was certified 17 x platinum in the UK on August 28th 2018 nearly six months ago and has sold nearly 20,000 copies in that time and she reportedly is releasing her 4th album this summer so the album will sell roughly 64,000 copies in the UK this year depending on what her new album does
